Well the Angler of the Year was once again a tie. Brian M. took the honors by virtue of the tie-breaker, which was the most first place finishes in the year. There were two other positions that tied in points.
There was club discussion of making the two-day count as two tournaments and adding a third drop. I feel adding a third drop will bring the numbers even more closely together and that is not a good thing. It dilutes the outright winner. Maybe it is the issue of the tie-breaker. What if the tiebreaker was 'whoever had the most points prior to any drop'? But then the purpose of adding the drops was to add "forgiveness" to a bad tournament or a day which one couldn't fish. Three drops mean a person could not fish one-fourth of the tournaments and still be AOY. Is that fair to the one(s) who fished every tournament?
So, it is food for thought. And this is a good place for you guys to present those thoughts rather than at a meeting after a weigh-in when you mind is set on getting on the road.
Nope, not in my opinion but we were running late and its already voted on for 2009. No drops. You all know I suck at fishing anyway, but still enjoy having a good time and trying. No drops or else, you get someone who gets lucky at nine tournaments and sits at home for three and wins AOY???? Not quite fair, of course neither is punishing me if I have a death in the family and have to miss a tournament for a good reason. How about 13 tournaments and 1 drop?
When I first joined the club there were 4 drops allowed and you received much better points for just fishing without catching a fish. Then it was later changed to 2 drops and you got 5 (basically worthless) "skunk" points if you didn't catch a fish.
Keep in mind that if you miss the 2day tournament and only get 1 drop, you are pretty much out of the running for AOY or being in the top 5 to fish a qualifier this year. I was fortunate to be able to make all 12 this past year, but it is very difficult juggling family along with fishing & practicing for higher level tournaments in addition to fishing a club trail.
I also believe it stays more interesting by keeping a tight race and increases participation in the later months.
The way I see it anyone being able to fish all 12 tournaments still has the advantage for an overall better score than someone that misses a few tournaments, yet it doesn't put someone so far back that they give up hope for the qualifier spots or AOY.
Regardless, I will respect the decision of the TD on the issue.
3 sounds like a good number. If you finish around the top in 9 tournaments your probably the best anyway. If there is a tie at the end of the year atleast theres a tiebreaker. Winning this year consistently is going to be tough with the schedule. I think it will be a closer race at the end. Instead of it coming down to 2 man race at the end of the year I think it will be about a five man race. Should be exciting.
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